Still a Few Fish Coming Through the Bay

Tillamook Bay - Bay City, OR (Tillamook County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Salmon fishing on Tillamook Bay may is slow as most fish have moved into the rivers. That said there are still a few fish coming through the bay.

The adult wild Chinook daily bag limit for all Tillamook Rivers (Tillamook River and Bay, Kilchis River, Miami River, Wison River, and Trask River) is one fish in aggregate. No more than two adult wild Chinook salmon may be retained for the period in aggregate. See the regulation updates for more details.

The wild coho fishery CLOSED on Oct. 23. NO retention of wild coho is allowed the remainder of the year in Tillamook Bay. There is a hatchery coho run in Tillamook Bay, bound for the Trask River, and retention of hatchery coho is still allowed as part of the daily salmon bag limit.

Cutthroat trout fishing closed in the North Coast rivers and streams on Nov. 1.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 13th, 2024
Umatilla River: Summer Steelhead Throughout the River
Alsea River: Fair to Good Fall Chinook Fishing
Miami River: Miami River Updates
Necanicum River: Fishing Has Been Fair on the Necanicum
Nehalem River: Fall Chinook Throughout Nehalem
Nestucca River: Nestucca River Updates
Salmon River: Fall Chinook fishing has been fair
Siletz River: Fish available throughout tidewater and the lower river
Siuslaw River: Fishing Has Been Slow on the Siuslaw
Three Rivers: Three Rivers Updates

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