Chinook fishing is winding down on the Yaquina River

Yaquina River - Newport, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Chinook fishing is winding down on the Yaquina River. Like our other Mid Coast basins, most fish have reached the spawning grounds

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

Cooper Creek Reservoir: Angling can be slow this time of year, but some anglers are finding success still with bass
Coos River: Anglers can catch rockfish around the jetties in the lower Coos Bay estuary
Coquille River: Anglers have caught a few winter steelhead on the North Fork Coquille and South Fork Coquille
Elk River: Anglers are picking up a few steelhead, along with Chinook
Garrison Lake: With most rivers high and muddy, this might be good option for anglers wanting to fish
Hemlock Lake: It is likely that the lake may not be reachable without snowmobiles
Lemolo Lake: Lemolo Lake Resort is closed for the season
Rogue River- Lower: Anglers are picking up winter steelhead fairly regulary
Sixes River: Rain this week will most likely blow the river out for a while
Tenmile Lakes: The wild coho season in Tenmile Lakes is open through Dec. 31
Alsea River: Fall Chinook has slowed way down on the Alsea River
Kilchis River: Winter steelhead should be starting to show up on the Kilchis River
Necanicum River: Hatchery winter steelhead are in the Necanicum
Nehalem River: The Lower Nehalem is blown out and may stay that way for a while
Nehalem River- North Fork: Hatchery winter steelhead have been returning to the North Fork for a few weeks now
Nestucca River: The winter steelhead run is getting started on the Nestucca
Salmon River: The steelhead season on the Salmon River has only just begun!
Siletz River: Winter steelhead is starting to pick up
Siltcoos Lake: Coho retention continues through Dec 31
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead is open in the Siuslaw basin
Trask River: Winter steelhead should be showing up
Wilson River: Winter steelhead have started showing up on the Wilson River

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