Water levels are dropping

Deschutes River- Lower - Maupin, OR

by Fly and Field Outfitters

Water levels are dropping in the Maupin stretch, but the upcoming cold snap could slow things down. Waiting until after the weekend may be the best approach.

More Reports

Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Friday, January 10th

Fall River: Optimal winter conditions on Fall River
Crooked River: Low priority on the fishing list
Metolius River: The Metolius River continues to deliver strong results

Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Friday, January 3rd

Metolius River: The Metolius is still producing strong results
Deschutes River- Lower: Reports from the Lower Deschutes have been light
Crooked River: The Crooked River flow is now above 900 cfs
Fall River: The Fall River is in prime winter form right now