The Metolius has been fishing quite well

Metolius River - Metolius Springs, OR (Jefferson County)

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Metolius has been fishing quite well on nymphs, especially Tan Caddis Pupa, October Caddis Pupa and small 2 Bit Hookers to grab the attention of baetis nymph feeders pre hatch. 
Of course eggs, golden stones and a myriad of Perdigons, Jigs and PT Soft Hackles are great too. It has been awesome on those caddis pupa lately though. Just saying. 
Some days the afternoon BWO hatch has really been good and these are very tall wing duns that hatch in the winter, and people often mistake the dun for a bigger size than the actual body to hook size ratio. Stick with a #18. Emergers, Cripples and Duns will all play in the moment, so be prepared for that moment with 4 or 5 different profiles to match the hatch. 
Little Black Stones are imitated with a #16 or 18 Black Elk Hair Caddis and at times can be a hatch that will get the fish sipping on what might seem unknown. Here’s a hint, look for evidence of the little stones on the banks, especially in areas where there is snow on the bank. You’ll see them crawling around on the snow. BTW, the snow is going away so not sure how long that will allow you to use your Sherlock skills. 
Midges can be awfully important in January and February. Sometimes an adult dry, but more often a Zebra or Midge Winker and don’t hesitate to fish that Winker down deep with another weighted fly. 
A frequent question that comes up is if there are Bull Trout in the river, or have they all gone to the lake. The answer is there are always Bull Trout in the river. More of them in the summer from July until October or even November when Lake Run Bull’s come up for spawning in the trib’s. But yes, there are a good number of Bulls to find now and they are chasing after streamers and eating eggs, perdigons and caddis nymphs just like the other trout.

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