The river came up a lot

Truckee River

by Trout Creek Outfitters
(530) 563-5119

The river came up, a lot. This will make fishing here a bit tougher for the next few days, but certainly not impossible. If you are looking to fish the river right now, pick your location wisely. The long slow deep runs primarily found in the canyon will likely be your best shot at finding good holding water. 

This is also an excellent time to fish streamers and can be a great chance to find some of the biggest Truckee trout. Looking at the USGS gauge at Farad we are not only seeing the flows taper off, but also looking at the Turbidity gauge, we’re seeing water clarity increase close to what it looked like before last week’s storm. This will mean that using attractor nymphs such as stoneflies, worms and eggs will fish great, but you can also mix in some smaller flies representing BWOs and midges. 

With the sunny days ahead, we hope to see the river drop back down below 1,000 CFS in just a few short days, opening up more areas of fishable water. As the flows drop, expect a few days of great fishing as this storm surely stirred up some fish. San Juan worms and gummy worms should be your confidence patterns while the river is off color and dropping back into shape. 

If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek or call (530) 563-5119.

More Reports

Trout Creek Outfitters Reports
for Friday, January 31st
Truckee River: The Bites Been Starting Off Slow
Little Truckee River: The Little Truckee remains well pressured
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid has kicked right back into gear

Trout Creek Outfitters Reports
for Friday, January 24th

Truckee River: Plenty of good fishable river miles on the Truckee
Little Truckee River: The Little Truckee continues to fish well
Pyramid Lake: The lake continues to fish ok