Very low and clear conditions

Kilchis River - Idaville, OR (Tillamook County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Kilchis River has dropped back to very low and clear conditions. Coupled with this week's winter weather fishing conditions are less than ideal, but there should be winter steelhead throughout the system. There are no hatchery releases on the Kilchis, so it's mostly a catch-and-release fishery for wild steelhead.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, February 5th
Umatilla River: Steelhead are still trickling into the Umatilla
Deschutes River- Lower: Trout fishing on the lower Deschutes can be slow
Hood River: Check flows before you go!
Junction City Pond: Junction City Pond Updates
Quartzville Creek: Light tackle including flies works best
Santiam River (South Fork): Still some scattered summer steelhead in the river
Sunnyside Park Pond: This pond will be stocked this week
Timber Linn Lake: Timber Linn Updates
Walter Wirth Lake: Walter Wirth Updates
Waverly Lake: Waverly Lake Updates

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