The water has recovered nicely and there should be decent shoreline fishing along most of the reservoir

Cold Creek Reservoir - Eureka, NV (White Pine County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

The water levels were recently lowered to repair the low-level outlet in November. The water has recovered nicely and there should be decent shoreline fishing along most of the reservoir. The reservoir was not stocked this fall due to the draw down.  Normal stocking efforts should resume in 2025.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, February 6th
Lake Mead: Anglers are finding the best action toward the end of the day along drop offs
Comins Lake: Ice conditions have rapidly deteriorated at Comins Lake this past week

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, January 30th
South Fork Reservoir: Ice growth has been extremely slow to nearly nonexistent at South Fork
Ruby Lake NWR: Ruby Lake has 8 inches of ice at the main boat ramp