Trout are being caught in the 16-22 inch range, and perch are measuring 6-10 inches

Wild Horse Reservoir - Owyhee, NV (Elko County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

As of 2/21/25, park officials measured 11″ of ice off the boat ramp with 4″-5″ of slush and snow on top. In the coves of Hendricks Arm and Penrod Arm, anglers are reporting ice 10″-12″. Anglers are reporting variable ice throughout the reservoir with weak spots present. Always sample the ice for yourself and come prepared with safety equipment.

Trout are being caught in the 16″-22″ range, and perch are measuring 6″-10″.  Over the weekend of 2/15/25, the winning trout of the annual ice fishing derby exceeded 26″.

For a trout bite, try fishing approximately 4 feet below the ice in up to 15 feet of water. Worms and PowerBait are both producing catches. Some anglers prefer to add a small piece of worm to a trout jig. Perch are hitting small jigs and worms jigged just off the bottom in 20+ feet of water.

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