Kid's Fishing Derby on June 2-3

by Don Quilici

This is a reminder that registrations are still being accepted for the 18th annual Kids' Fishing Derby.

That special event for the youngsters of this general area will to be held at Lampe Park in Gardnerville on Saturday and Sunday, June 2-3.

The Kids' Fishing Derby, which is the largest free derby in the United States, is open to all youngsters, ages 3-12.

The tiny anglers will be assigned to different time periods on those two days.

Time periods for Saturday and Sunday are: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 noon.

There is no charge for registration or for participation.

All registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis for those time periods.

Registration forms are available in Douglas County at the Douglas County Parks and Recreation Department at 1327 Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville (782-9828).

For information, call Pam Rodrigues at 265-1795.