Lower Otay Reservoir Fish Report

Lower Otay Reservoir - Rancho Del Rey, CA (San Diego County)

by City of San Diego

Checked: 109

Type of Fish:
Bass Kept: 56
Bass Released: 300
Largest: 4.01

Crappie: 23
Largest: 1.87

Launch Ramp: Good
Spill Gauge: 137.40
Current Gauge: 126.29
Feet below Spill: -11.11

The DFW stocks during the winter months, please see www.dfg.ca.gov for details

For more information on the City Lakes, visit www.sandiego.gov

More Reports

City of San Diego Water Department Reports
for Monday, March 16th, 2015
El Capitan Reservoir: El Capitan write-ups
Miramar Lake: Miramar Lake Fish Report