Hills Creek Reservoir - Oakridge, OR

Fish Spot Details

Hills Creek Reservoir, also known as Hills Creek Lake, is an artificial impoundment behind Hills Creek Dam on the Middle Fork Willamette River.
Surface Area:2735 acres
Maximum Depth:299 ft.
Capacity:356000 acre ft.
Elevation:1545 ft.
Fish Species: Rainbow Trout, Coastal Cutthroat, Black Crappie, White Crappie, Bull Trout

Latest Fish Reports

Date Report Author
9-25-2024 Hills Creek Updates
Will be stocked again the week of Oct.... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
3-28-2024 Hiils Creek Reservoir Report
Will be stocked again the week of April... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
1-31-2024 Hills Creek Reservoir Report
Will be stocked the week of Feb. 19... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
2-23-2023 Hills Creek Reservoir Update
ODFW will stock fish as soon as the... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
10-12-2022 Hills Creek Reservoir was last stocked the week of Oct. 3
Hills Creek Reservoir was last stocked the week... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

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