Increased Water Flows Staining Water

American River - Sacramento, CA (El Dorado County)

by California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau

With increased water flows on the American River anglers continue to take a few steelhead casting Little Cleo’s and by plunking.  The waters are stained and some cases downright dirty.

More Reports

California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau Reports
for Friday, February 22nd, 2019
Lake Amador: Trout Derby Ends on March 3rd
San Luis Reservoir: Striped Bass Bite Remains Solid
: The Striped Bass and Sturgeon Bite Remains Solid

California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau Reports
for Friday, February 8th, 2019

Sacramento Delta: Matter of Time Before the Sturgeon Bite Breaks Wide Open
American River: Steelhead Fishing, Pretty Good
Lake Camanche: Heavy Trout Plants Continue
Lake Amador: Heavy Trout Plants are Expected in the Next Few Months.
San Luis Reservoir: The Striped Bass Bite Broke Wide Open