Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

We have fish and our weather is just getting better. We have some of the best shores for anglers to explore and once you get the hang of our Colorado River current and its your friend you are catching fish. Our local angler Gerry Ward like to target the Rainbow Trout. These fish are brought to us by the national fish hatchery the Willow beach hatchery. Gerry likes to use a trout jig in a green color which has produced his limit of 5 trout. He was fishing from shore in the Rotary Park area. I have been getting word that night crawlers are also producing well along with your favorite spinner.

Our local angler Patrick Paoli likes to target the Striped Bass. He was fishing the shore line on the Arizona side across from the Big Bend Park. The Big Bend State Park in on the Nevada side and it is also a great spot to land stripers and an occasional Smallmouth Bass. Patrick was bait fishing for his 9.30 pound striper at 29 inches in length. Another great spot is our Community Park area for both trout and stripers. I have been hearing that swim baits are producing a few of the larger stripers in this area.Not much word from the spots near the dam but the casino area has had a few good fish caught in that area also.

Up on Lake Mohave the weather has been keeping most anglers at bay so to say. Once the wind slows a bit that will change and their should be some striper activity near the dam I have been hearing of some shad boils near Katherine Landing. When on the lake keep an eye open for the birds as they are also feeding on the shad and there is usually some larger fish doing the same.

Hope this helps some for now and we look forward to seeing you in to chare that catch and the story. Mostly thanks for all of your support we do appreciate the calls and visits what a great community we have.

Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina  520 Riviera Blvd. bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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