Umpqua River Fish Report for 3-18-2021
Umpqua River Report
Umpqua River - Roseburg, OR (Douglas County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The river is continuing to drop and should be in good shape for the weekend. Anglers are picking up a few steelhead, but as with the rest of the area, it seems very slow. Don’t forget to turn in hatchery winter steelhead snouts for a chance to win a gift card (see note below.)
Spring Chinook anglers will start fishing in the lower river towards the end of March. Most anglers plunk from a boat or the bank using either a spinner or other lures. Please remember that the mainstem is temporarily closed to the harvest of all wild Chinook (including jack Chinook) through June. Consider using gear that will be less harmful to fish that need to be released. Tactics such as using single point hooks and artificial lures may ensure a higher survival of wild fish after release.
Bass fishing is likely going to slow with cold conditions.
Trout fishing will reopen May 22.
Access may be limited due to impacts from last summer’s wildfires. The section from Steamboat Creek to Susan Creek is closed to access by the Forest Service. Sections of Bureau of Land Management lands also are closed.
Fishing seems to be slow, but the river appears to be in good shape. With a little rain in the forecast, the river should be in shape. Remember to turn in snouts from hatchery fish for a chance to win a $50 gift card (see below).
Some of the North Umpqua and tributaries are open for trout (those above Slide Creek Dam). These areas may be tough to access during the winter months. Check the fishing regulations to see which areas are open.
Note that as of Oct 1, fishing in the fly water area is restricted to the use of a single, barbless, artificial fly.
March can be a great time to catch steelhead, but most anglers are still waiting for the big push of fish. Don’t forget to turn in snout from hatchery winter steelhead for a chance to win a gift card (see note below).
NOTE: Umpqua winter steelhead study
Anglers who catch a hatchery winter steelhead in the Umpqua Basin are being asked to turn in the snouts from those fish. Some of these snouts contain small tags. Anglers who turn in snouts that contain these tags will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift card. Snouts may be turned in at barrels located around the basin, Sportsman’s Warehouse in Roseburg, or the Roseburg ODFW office. Tags obtained from the fish will inform ODFW on the best release strategy for juveniles to provide the most fish back to anglers in the future.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, March 18th, 2021Applegate River: Anglers Are Reporting Good Fishing
Emigrant Reservoir: Warmwater Fishing Should Start To Pick Up
Galesville Reservoir: Recently Stocked
Garrison Lake: Spring Months Can Be A Good Time To Fish The Lake
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie Report
Hyatt Lake: Ice Likely Not Thick Enough To Safely Fish
Illinois River: Conditions Are Looking Good Through Thursday
Rogue River- Lower: Fishing Effort Has Slowed
Rogue River - Middle: Anglers Are Picking Up Winter Steelhead on A Pretty Regular Basis
Rogue River- Upper: Winter fish are being caught from Touvelle to the hatchery
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, March 11th, 2021
Ana River: Ana River is A Great Match-The hatch Fly Fishing River
Applegate River: Anglers Reporting Good Fishing Last Week Prior to The Rain
Ben Irving Reservoir: Fishing Should Be Pretty Good This Week
Chetco River: Fish Movement Has Been Slow & Fishing Pressure is Down
Coquille River: Steelhead Fishing Has Been Slow
Diamond Lake: Anglers Have Been Catching Some Nice Trout
Elk River: Anglers Are Doing Well on Steelhead This Season
Emigrant Reservoir: Reservoir is Slowly Rising
Galesville Reservoir: Reservoir is on The Rise
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Expect Weather to Bounce Around A Lot This Week
Illinois River: Conditions Are Looking Good Through The Week
Lake Selmac: Received Its First Stocking About Three Weeks Ago
Rogue River- Lower: Expect to Start Seeing Early-Run Spring Chinook Soon
Rogue River - Middle: More Winter Fish Are Showing Up Everyday
Rogue River- Upper: Winter Fish Are in The Mix
Umpqua River: River is Continuing to Drop
Alsea River: River is Now Low and Clear
Kilchis River: Kilchis is Low and Very Clear
Necanicum River: Still Some Opportunity For Catch and Release
Nehalem River: Mainstem is in Prime Condition
Nestucca River: Fishable and Should Be All Week
Siletz River: Steelhead Fishing Has Slowed Down Again
Siuslaw River: Still Some Fish Being Caught
Trask River: Trask is Low and Clear
Wilson River: Steelhead Fishing Has Been Slow to Fair
Clackamas River: Fishing is Beginning to Pick Up
Sandy River: Sandy River Report
Willamette River: Willamette River Report
John Day River: River Flows Have Been on The Rise
: Eastern Oregon archery elk hunting changes being considered
: ODFW Recreation Report

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