Sprague River Fish Report for 7-14-2021
Fishing is Not Recommended at This Time Due to Smoke From the Bootleg Fire
Sprague River - Chiloquin, OR (Klamath County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Fishing not recommended in the river near Beatty and Bly due to smoke from the Bootleg Fire and difficulty accessing some locations due to firefighting crews.
Water temperatures are reaching 85.1 degrees at the USGS gage near Chiloquin. Fishing for trout is not recommended in most areas. Fishing is slow for redband trout with an occasional brown trout, as flows are low and water temperatures very warm in most of the river. Most fish in the Sprague currently are small, so small spinners and spoons work well. Redband trout from 6-18 inches dominate the catch. There is ample public property on the Sprague River to fish. Best fishing is from a boat near Beatty.
Also, all radio tagged redband trout must be released unharmed. Redband trout will have what looks to be fishing line coming from the abdomen. These fish will be 6-18 inches in length.
Yellow perch fishing can be good in the S’Ocholis Canyon area above Saddle Mountain Pit-Road Bridge and above the town of Sprague River. A few bass occur in the backwater areas of the river as well.
Regulations have changed. Only one redband/rainbow trout can be kept with a 15-inch minimum length. This change is due to record low spawning escapement for trophy redband trout throughout the Klamath Basin. ODFW also encourages the use of single barbless hooks in this fishery, not removing fish from the water and catch-and-release rubber nets.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 14th, 2021
Ana Reservoir: The Reservoir Was Recently Stocked With 4,000 Rainbow Trout
Balm Creek Reservoir: Balm Creek Provides a Good Oppertunity to Escape The Heat
Chewaucan River: The Water Is Already Starting To Approach Summer Flows
Deming Creek: Inaccessible Due to Fire
Duncan Reservoir: Inaccessible Due to Fire
Fish Lake : Fish Lake and Camping Around the Lake is Accessible
Gerber Reservoir: Targeting Yellow Perch is Your Best Bet
Heart Lake: Inaccessible Due to Fire
Holbrook Reservoir: Inaccessible Due to Fire
Lake Of The Woods: Fishing Will Be Fair as Most Stocked Rainbow Trout Will Move to Deeper Water
Lofton Reservoir: Inaccessible Due to Fire
Long Creek Reservoir: Fishing is Not Recommended at This Time Due to the Bootleg Fire in That Area
Phillips Reservoir: Bag Limits and Size Limits For All Species Have Been Lifted From July 15 Through Sept 6

Check for emergency fishing regulations ODFW has implemented emergency fishing regulations throughout the state to help protect fish during hot, dry...... Read More

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