Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 11-17-2021
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
We are having some great striper activity here along our shores and some by boat. Here below the Davis Dam some of the best fishing is going on. We have rainbow trout coming to us weekly thanks to the Willow Beach Hatchery. The striper bite has remained active. Our local angler Brandon Stark was fishing in the Rotary Park area and landed near a limit of stripers mostly in the 1 pound range. He was fishing from shore and Dad was busy baiting hooks and getting fish off the hook for him. He had luck using anchovies and even the night crawlers were working for these hook ups. As I have said before there are some bigger fish out there it’s just the smaller ones seem to get there first.
Our local angler Charles Viajar had just this luck as he landed a nice 10.9 pound striper at 30 and 3/4 inches. Charles was fishing from shore in the community park area and throwing his favorite lure which proved to work very well. I have been getting reports that anglers were landing trout at our stocking sites using various spinners and trout jigs. For your bait anglers night crawlers and power bait have also been working well the green and orange were producing some limits.
Up on Lake Mohave the stripers have been spotted in boils near the power lines and near telephone cove Arizona side. There has been some smallmouth action using chatter baits and some plastics, but again a bit slow for this time of year.
I did get some information form the Topock Marsh are that the chatter baits in a white have been landing some large mouth bass and even stripers have been landed using z mans chatter bait.
Hope this helps some for now we so look forward to having you come in and share that catch and your story. Most of all thanks so much for all the support.
Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin
The trout fishing is doing very well here along the shores of the Colorado River.This is mostly due to our federal hatchery the Willow Beach Hatchery which is supplying us rainbow trout. The trout are raised in raceways at the hatchery and brought to us for a few months every year. the stocking sites are Davis camp our Community park and Rotary park. So below the Davis dam we have a great fishery and the season is on. Our local anglers are having great success using various techniques. Spinners and trout jigs are producing well along with night crawlers and power bait. Our local anglers Mark Kuchczynski and Ron luck landed their limit at Rotary park using spinners and a trout jug in the cricket pattern. While Gerry Ward landed his limit at community park using a trout jig with a green tail. I have gotten word that in the community park area a few of the larger stripers have been spotted...... Read More
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Colorado River - Laughlin
Look where we live. How cool is this our local and visiting anglers are getting limits of trout and stripers....... Read More

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