McKenzie River Fish Report for 6-8-2022
Spring Chinook - fishing should be picking up
McKenzie River - Coburg, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
MCKENZIE RIVER below Leaburg Lake (R1):
Spring Chinook - fishing should be picking up, we are starting to see consistent numbers of wild fish (5/night) passing Leaburg Dam.
Summer steelhead - Angler reports and dam video indicate that there are also a fair number of summer steelhead in the system. Much better return than the past 4 years.
Trout - Was last stocked the week of May 25 with 5,173 hatchery rainbow trout. Bait can be used from April 22 – Oct. 31, but beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies.
The Leaburg Dam fish counts are a great spring salmon and summer steelhead resource, and information is back online. Counts are updated by the Corps of Engineers weekly. These resources are most useful to anglers from May – September.
All non-adipose fin-clipped trout must be released unharmed. Check page 46 of the 2021 Sport Fishing Regulations for bait restrictions in the segment you plan to fish. Beginning Nov. 1, anglers may only use lures and artificial flies.
The lower McKenzie River is open to retention of adipose fin-clipped salmon and steelhead and non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead greater than 24 inches long. A Columbia River Basin Endorsement is required for anglers targeting salmon and steelhead in the McKenzie.
MCKENZIE RIVER above Leaburg Lake (R2):
Will be stocked this week with 7,439 rainbow trout.
Due to hazard tree removal, the Finn Rock Landing will have periodic closures on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 14 and 15.
All non-adipose fin-clipped trout must be released unharmed. Bait is allowed from Leaburg Dam to Forest Glen Boat Ramp from April 22 – Oct 31.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
Heart Lake: The lake is up to 35 feet deep in places
Holbrook Reservoir: Trolling for rainbows will be extremely productive
Phillips Reservoir: Dry flies has been a good way to catch both rainbow trout and pikeminnows
Unity Reservoir: Unity Reservoir is almost full
Applegate Reservoir: All boat ramps are now open
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Anglers have been reporting good catches
Coquille River: Smallmouth bass fishing will steadily pick up
Diamond Lake: Trout seem to be biting better in June
Eel Lake: Trout fishing at Eel Lake is picking up
Emigrant Reservoir: The reservoir is currently at 36 percent and 10,063 acre feet
Empire Lake Lower: Bass fishing is picking up in Lower Empire Lake
Expo Pond: There are still trout available at Expo Pond
Fish Lake : The reservoir has been a steady 47 percent over the last 2 weeks
Garrison Lake: Best time to fish is early or late in the day
Lost Creek Lake: Fishing has been very good
Medco Pond: Fishing should be good for trout, as well as warmwater species
Rogue River- Lower: Starting June 1, anglers can keep any chinook
Rogue River - Middle: From the mouth upstream to Fishers Ferry boat ramp, wild Chinook are legal for retention after June 1
Rogue River- Upper: Trout fishing is now open in the Rogue
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Flows in the upper river are quite elevated right now
Tenmile Lakes: The Tenmile Lake level was recently at 10 feet
Umpqua River: All angling is prohibited within 200 feet of any portion of a tributary mouth
North Umpqua River: Anglers are doing well on both spring Chinook and summer steelhead
South Umpqua River : Anglers have been doing well on bass
Nestucca River: Spring Chinook fishing continues to improve on the Nestucca
Three Rivers: There were quite a few fish observed in Three Rivers this week
Tillamook Bay: Spring Chinook are in Tillamook Bay
Wilson River: Starting to get reports of a few fish getting caught
Clear Lake: Stocked on June 1st
Coast Fork Willamette River: Will be stocked the week of June 13
Detroit Reservoir: Will be stocked this week with about 4,000 trout
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Was Stocked Last Week
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir is now full and all three boat ramps are currently available
Green Peter Reservoir: Green Peter Reservoir Fishing Report
Junction City Pond: The pond was stocked last week
Leaburg Lake: Will be stocked this week

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