Fish Report for 1-26-2023
Alpine County Fishing Report

by Doug Busey
Hello Fellow anglers. Be careful what you wish for. In my last report I wished for enough snow pack to fill our lakes and streams for the new year, Well we got it. It has been a grueling few weeks for us all here in the sierra's. We received six months of rain and snow in a two week period. I personally have been sandbagging and plowing snow, then back to the sandbags and just finished plowing last week. It's nice to live in the country, but mother nature sometimes makes you work overtime to enjoy it. This was the first year that I can remember, not going to Topaz for the new years celebration and fishing. That was due to the three and a half days without power and what mother nature threw at us all. This will be a new year celebration we will not forget anytime soon. For those that have not purchased your California license yet. This year the new 365 day fishing license starts, and is valid for one year from the day of purchase. In this short report, you will see why I have tried without success to get out and fish in our local Carson Tahoe area.
SILVER LAKE OF HIGHWAY 88: The parking area has not been cleared. The only thing you can see from the road is the tops of the bathrooms. The lake had approx 5-8 feet of snow on top of it.
CAPLES LAKE: The lake had about 6-10 foot berms along the roadway. The lake has 5-10 feet of snow on top of it. Not one angler had attempted to go out. I received a picture from my friends David and Karen Fuentes from last weekend. As they peaked over the rise at Red lake, it seemed that a large RV had pulled over at the rest stop and got stuck in the snow or had engine problems. The picture they sent me only showed the top 18 inches of the roof sticking out of the snow. It might be a while before we can get out and do some ice fishing this year. Unless you want to shovel a lot of snow.
RED LAKE: As of last week, they had plowed behind the dam just enough to get in to use the snow cannon. The lake had 8-10 foot berms around it. Not sure how much was on the lake. I saw a picture of Karen Fuentes sanding next to one of these berms. She is approx 5'10' and the snow was almost twice her height.
INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The paved road is only plowed slightly half way in. The dirt road is plowed only partially in for the residents that live at the top of the road.
TOPAZ LAKE: The lake has risen about 5- to 8 feet. The California side still has too much snow on the bank to drive down to. I saw where someone had driven down to the shore on the north end and got stuck in the snow and mud. A couple people had parked up on the road and walked down to shore fish. The Douglas County boat ramp is completely frozen over all through the cove area and out past the rock and into the camp area. No shore fishing on that side either for a while. The boat parking area still had a foot or so of snow on it last weekend.
ROAD CLOSURES: Highway 208 between Wellington and Yerington due to a landslide. Monitor Pass between highway 395 and highway 4/89, Ebbetts Pass highway 4 from Alpine Lake to highway 89.
Use caution on all roads in the sierra's right now. Night time temps get down to 10 degrees and make for black ice. Alway carry water, warm clothing, and a warm hat, a cell phone charger you can plug into your vehicle, flash light and some food, You never know what might happen that you may be stranded for a time. Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return or arrive at your destination, and never rely on google maps to show you a shortcut.
Most of all, good luck and enjoy your next fishing adventure, whenever that might be. If you have a photo of your catch. Send it to Hope to see you on the waters soon. Good fishin' and tight lines
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
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Topaz Lake
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Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, December 1st, 2022Caples Lake: As of last week, anglers were ice fishing by the spillway area
Silver Lake: No reports on the ice on Silver lake as of this week
Red Lake: The lake is completely covered in ice
Indian Creek Reservoir: Indian Creek Reservoir Report
East Carson River (CA): East Carson River Report
Topaz Lake: The lake level has come up a little

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