Fall River Has Been Fishing Well and Will Be Restocked!

Fall River - La Pine, OR (Deschutes County)

by Fly and Field Outfitters

The Fall river has been fishing well but sometime between the 5th and 9th they’ll be stocking another 1000 trophy trout, so go get out there! Nymphing is picking up the majority of fish. Tungsten bead nymphs are especially effective on the fall as they get down to the strike zone nice and quick. Zebra midges,  rainbow warriors, eggs, and two bits are some of our favorites on the fall. Stripping streamers around some of the downed timber is also a good way to fool some more aggressive trout, try some jig leeches for that as well. Dry-dropper setups using chubbys is also an effective and fun approach to fishing the fall. With how much pressure the Fall gets, spread out and try exploring some spots you haven't been to before, it may just work in your favor. And don’t discount dry flies. March Brows, Purple Haze, Sparkle Dun BWO, Hackle Stacker BWO and Parachute Adams are all great bets.

More Reports

Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Friday, August 2nd, 2024
Deschutes River- Lower: Lower Deschutes has been fishing well
East Lake: East Lake Continues to Fish Well
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake Continues to Fish Well
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Some more positive reports coming out of Crane
Metolius River: The Metolius has been fishing great
Crooked River: Crooked River is a great go-to this summer
Deschutes River- Upper: Upper Deschutes has been fishing well