Metolius River Fish Report for 9-1-2024
“Jeef’s” Flav and Green Drake update for the Metolius
Metolius River - Metolius Springs, OR (Jefferson County)

by The Fly Fishers Place
Quick update from the Met, saw quite a few #10 Green Drakes yesterday afternoon from 2 to 3:30, mixed with very occasional sightings of #14 Flav’s (lesser green drake = drunella flavilena)
The fish were just getting “on” the bigger drakes (likely drunella coloradensis or d. doddsi) but fish were way more focused on the little olive stones (use a 16 or 18 Hemingway and Henryville as the 2 best patterns to match them), PMD cripples and a mix of Caddis (mostly #16 and 18 tan) found mid day and add some Micro Caddis and #14 grey for evening. BWO’s in the mix later afternoon or early evening.
Nice to see the fall drakes and also to see them on schedule after such a weird spring hatch. Hopefully this is the start of a great month of dry fly fishing.
The name Jeef is an inside joke, but the short story is when I had Jeff’s Flav patterns tied in Thailand all the little boxes that had a dozen of my flies in them were shipped here with my name misspelled as Jeef. So, at Flav time I’m Jeef. My friend Drew calls me Jeef about 100% of the time due to this, as he discovered the boxes and was quite amused by that back when he worked in the shop. Now Drew is in Medical school and is a kick ass, well rounded and amazing person, musician, river rat and will be the best kind of doctor to have.
See you on the river!
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