Coos River Fish Report for 10-2-2024
Coos River Basin Updates
Coos River - Coos Bay, OR (Coos County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Anglers can catch rockfish around the jetties in the lower Coos Bay estuary. Best fishing is typically near slack tides with good fishing one day and fair fishing the next. A jig fished with a twister tail trailer is always a good option to catch bottomfish.
The 2024 daily general marine fish bag limit is 5 fish plus 2 lingcod with no retention of yelloweye or quillback rockfish. Anglers are allowed to harvest 1 cabezon per day as part of the general marine fish bag limit.
Salmon anglers are restricted to 2 wild adult Chinook per day and 10 for the season (July 1 – Dec. 31) in the Coos Basin. The wild coho season is open in the Coos Basin through Oct. 10. Salmon anglers are allowed 1 wild adult coho per day and 3 for the season (no more than 5 wild adult coho may be harvested per year in the Northwest and Southwest Zones with open wild coho salmon fisheries).
Salmon anglers are catching coho from Charleston up to Marshfield Channel. Chinook fishing has been slow with most of the harvest occurring in the Coos River near SOMAR and the Chandler Bridge. A few Chinook are being caught lower in the estuary by anglers trolling for coho salmon.
Boat anglers are catching walleye surfperch and pile surfperch using sand shrimp along old pilings or along the edges of eel grass beds.
Trout fishing is open in rivers and streams through Oct. 31. River temperatures are starting to drop and trout fishing will start to pick back up again, especially for sea-run cutthroat trout moving upstream into the larger rivers.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024Crane Prairie Reservoir: Reports of Good Trout and Bass Fishing
Deschutes River: Deschutes River, Benham Falls to Little Lava Lake Updates
Haystack Reservoir: Successful Reports of Large Fish Being Caught
Lake Billy Chinook: Reports of Good Fishing on Billy Chinook
Metolius River: Metolius continues to be excellent
Odell Lake: Odell has good fall fishing for trout
Prinevile Reservoir: Fair Fishing at Prinevile
Wickiup Reservoir: Productive Fishing at Wickiup
Clackamas River: Clackamas Updates
Detroit Reservoir: Detroit Reservoir Updates
Foster Reservoir: Foster Stocked for the Final Time This Year
Green Peter Reservoir: Water Level Dropping and Making Fishing Near Impossible
Willamette River: Middle Fork Willamette Updates
Quartzville Creek: Quartzville Creek Updates
Sandy River: Fishing Should Continue to Be Good on Sandy
Santiam River ( North Fork) : More Fish Coming Every Day!
Santiam River (South Fork): Fish Will Still be Available for Several Months
Nehalem River: Fair But Sporadic Chinook on Nehalem
Three Rivers: Three Rivers Updates
Tillamook Bay: Overall Fishing is Fair on the Tillamook
Agate Lake: Agate Lake Updates
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate Reservoir Updates
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate Reservoir below Applegate Dam Updates
Ben Irving Reservoir: Good Fishing Weather on Ben Irving
Chetco River: Good Numbers of Salmon at Chetco
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Trout Fishing Should Improve at Cooper Creek
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, September 25th, 2024Imnaha River: Steelhead Fishing Moving Into the Imnaha
Wallowa Lake : Fall can be a great time to visit Wallowa
Wallowa River: Opportunities to catch some really nice fish!
Bikini Pond: Scheduled to Be Stocked This Week!
Crescent Lake: Area Surrounding Crescent Closed Due to Red Fire
Crooked River: Crooked continues to fish well through the fall
Deschutes River: Deschutes River Updates
Haystack Reservoir: Rare Opportunities on Haystack
Laurance Lake: Fly-anglers are catching trout at Laurance!
Ochoco Reservoir: Reports of good rainbow trout fishing
Pine Hollow Reservoir: Fall Stocking Scheduled This Week!
Prinevile Reservoir: Anglers report fair fishing at Prinevile
Taylor Lake: Taylor to be stocked this week
Wickiup Reservoir: Reports of Productive Fishing on Wickiup
Alton Baker Canoe Canal: The ABCC is Open to Fishing All Year
Detroit Reservoir: Fishing can be surprisingly good at Detroit
Dexter Reservoir: Dexter Reservoir Updates
Dorena Reservoir: Trout and Warmwater Fish Available at Dorena
Foster Reservoir: Foster Reservoir Updates
Green Peter Reservoir: Green Peter Updates
Hills Creek Reservoir: Hills Creek Updates
McKenzie River: McKenzie River Updates
Willamette River: Middle Fork Willamette Updates
Quartzville Creek: Quartzville Creek Updates
Row River Pond: Offers Fishing and Wildlife Viewing Opportunities
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Fish the Lower Sections of the River for Coho
Santiam River (South Fork): Fish will be available for several more months
Willamette River: Willamette offers convenience, fairly good access and variety!
Alsea River: Fishing will be best in the Alsea Bay
Kilchis River: Fishing for cutthroat trout should be fair to good
Necanicum River: Trout fishing should be fair to good!
Nehalem River: Chinook fishing has been fair although sporadic
Nestucca River: Fishing has been good at times
Siletz River: Conditions and fishing will improve in the next few weeks
Siuslaw River: Fishing has been fair to good at Siuslaw
Three Rivers: Three Rivers Updates
Tillamook Bay: Overall fishing is fair but there are fish being caught daily
Trask River: Trask River Updates
Wilson River: Wilson River Updates
Chetco River: Good number of salmon!
Plat I Reservoir: Decent Bass Fishing
Sixes River: Sixes River Updates
Smith River: Still Some Fish Around
Umpqua River: Umpqua Mainstem Has Good Catch Rates

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