Phillips Reservoir has drained substantially

Phillips Reservoir - Gaston, OR (Yamhill County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Phillips Reservoir has drained substantially this summer and is only about 1/4 full. Rainbow trout were stocked earlier in the year, and perch are available. ODFW sampled Phillips Reservoir the week of the July 29. Perch and pikeminnow were numerous. Samplers found larger perch in deeper water. Few trout and smallmouth bass were sampled.

Lots of fish were caught over Labor Day weekend including many nice trout and even a tiger muskie that was stocked this year. As the reservoir has drained, a fair number have perch have passed through the dam, many of which don't survive through the outlet

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
Magone Lake: Magone is a Great Place for Trout
Umatilla River: Good Numbers of Fall Fish
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Good Trout and Bass Fishing
Deschutes River: Deschutes River (mouth to Pelton Dam) Updates
East Lake: Low Water Levels on East Lake
Fall River: Excellent and consistent fishing in the Fall River!
Hosmer Lake: Excellent Fall Fishing on Hosmer
North Twin Lake: Excellent Trout Fishing
Ochoco Reservoir: Large Fish Near Ochoco Dam
Prinevile Reservoir: Anglers report fair fishing
Wickiup Reservoir: Productive Fishing at Wickiup
Clackamas River: Clackamas River Updates
Dexter Reservoir: Dexter Reservoir Updates
Dorena Reservoir: Dorena Reservoir Updates
Green Peter Reservoir: Low Water Levels at Green Peter
Henry Hagg Lake: Henry Hagg is a premier warmwater fishing destination
Hills Creek Reservoir: Hills Creek Reservoir Updates
McKenzie River: McKenzie River (below Leaburg Lake) Updates
Middle Fork Willamette: Now is the time to fish for summer steelhead!
Quartzville Creek: Quartzville Creek Updates
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Santiam River (North Fork) Updates
Alsea River: Alsea River Updates
Salmon River: Fishing Should Be Picking Up
Siletz River: Siletz River Updates
Siuslaw River: Fair to Good Fishing on the Siuslaw
Yaquina River: Yaquina River Updates

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