Upper and Lower Williamson River Updates

Williamson River

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Upper Williamson River 

Upper Williamson River closes to fishing Nov. 1 to protect spawning fish. Fishing should be only fair for redband trout due to past drought and there are few redband trout on public lands. Targeting brook trout near Deep Creek is another option. This area has some of the largest brook trout in the Klamath Basin. Brook Trout are very concentrated on the spawning grounds.

Look for hatches of mahogany dun mayflies. Blue winged olives and October caddis. There are incredible populations of scuds in the Williamson River. Flies that look like scuds can be productive.

Past drought from 2020- 2022 have affected adult redband trout numbers. Flows are good for fishing. Fishing on the private pay-to-fish ranches on the Sand Creek and Yamsi Ranches should be excellent for brook trout with redband trout mixed in. 

Lower Williamson River 


Lower Williamson River closes to fishing Nov. 1 to protect spawning fish Yellow perch fishing is excellent below and above Modoc Point Rd. bridge. Look for deep pools and the aquatic vegetation edges.

Please remember no bait, no treble hooks and catch-and-release for redband trout.

Small pheasant tail, copper johns or prince nymphs fished on clear intermediate fly lines with fluorocarbon leaders can be effective. October caddis and mahogany dun mayflies are hatching. Matching these hatches will improve your catch rates.

Redband trout have moved into the area above Chiloquin. This section has more brown trout as well. Brown trout can be targeted above and below Spring Creek.

Large streamers and leech patterns are more effective lower in the river towards the mouth. Check Williamson River Flows.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
Morgan Lake: Morgan Lake closed
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie is closed
Crescent Lake: Crescent Lake Updates
Crooked River: The Crooked continues to fish well!
East Lake: Good Brown Trout Fishing!
Metolius River: The Metolius Continues to Be Excellent for a Variety of Fish
Odell Lake: Odell Lake is closed for fishing
Wickiup Reservoir: Wickiup Reservoir is closed to fishing
Gold Lake: Gold Lake Updates
McKenzie River: McKenzie River (below Leaburg Lake) Updates
Willamette River: Willamette River Middle Fork Updates
Row River Pond: Recently Stocked!
Willamette River: North Willamette Updates
Alsea River: Fair to Good Fishing on Alsea
Kilchis River: Open to Fall Chinook Fishing!
Miami River: Miami River Updates
Necanicum River: Necanicum Updates
Nehalem River: Nehalem River Updates
Nestucca River: Fall Chinook Should Be Showing Up!
Salmon River: Fall Chinook fishing has been good
Siletz River: Fishing has been fair to good on the Siletz
Siltcoos Lake: Fish Should Be Moving Into the Lake
Siltcoos Lake: Fish should be moving into the lake
Three Rivers: Fall Chinook and Steelhead Available
Tillamook Bay: Salmon Fishing May Be Slow This Week
Trask River: Lots of Fish Showing Up
Wilson River: Wilson River Updates
Yaquina River: Yaquina River Updates
Gerber Reservoir: Incredible Densities of Yellow Perch and Crappie
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Updates
Lake Of The Woods: Lake of the Woods Updates
Link River : Link River Updates
Long Creek Reservoir: Good Flows at Long Creek
Lost River: Lost River Updates
Miller Lake: Miller Lake Updates
Sky Lakes Wilderness Lakes: Lots of Good Lakes to Catch Fish
Sprague River: Sprague River Closed to Protect Fish
Sprague River: North and South Fork Updates
Sun Creek: Low Fish Density at Sun Creek

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