Nehalem River Updates

Nehalem River - Nehalm, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Nehalem has fall Chinook throughout the fishery (up to Foss Road bridge at River Mile 15.1). The Nehalem is high and off color and, unfortunately, may not come back in to shape before the close of the Chinook season on Nov. 30.

Oct 23 was the last day of wild coho retention on the North Coast and NO retention of wild coho is allowed for the remainder of the year. The bag limit for wild adult Chinook is 1/day and 5 for the season from July 1 to Nov. 30. See the regulation updates for more details.

Cutthroat trout fishing closed in the North Coast rivers and streams on Nov. 1.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
: Commercial Dungeness crab season delayed
Grande Ronde River: Variable Fishing on the Grande Ronde
Imnaha River: Lower Temps Bring Slower Fishing
Morgan Lake: Closed Until April
Wallowa Lake : Kokanee Still Available!
Wallowa River: Opportunities to catch some really nice fish!
Antelope Flat Reservoir: Limited Access
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie Closed Until April
Davis Lake: Davis Lake Updates
Deschutes River- Lower: Consistently Good Fishing on the Lower Deschutes
East Lake: East Lake Updates
Haystack Reservoir: Expect Slow Fishing
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer Lake Updates
Lake Billy Chinook: Anglers Continue to Report Good Fishing!
Laurance Lake: Laurance Lake Updates
Metolius River: The Metolius Continues to Be Excellent for a Variety of Fish
Odell Lake: Closed for Fishing Until April
Paulina Lake: Paulina Lake Updates
South Twin Lake: Productive Fishing at South Twin Lake
Walton Lake: Public Access to Walton Lake Reopened
Wickiup Reservoir: Wickiup Reservoir Updates
Foster Reservoir: Foster Reservoir Updates
Junction City Pond: Large Fish at Junction City Pond
Quartzville Creek: Quartzville Creek Updates
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Still Lots of Fish Downstream in the Mainstem
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: Opportunistic Trout Fishing
Santiam River (South Fork): High Flows Throughout South Fork
Walter Wirth Lake: Walter Wirth Lake Updates
Kilchis River: Kilchis River Updates
Miami River: Fall Chinook Throughout the River
Necanicum River: Fishing has been fair on the Necanicum