The lake is frozen with a ton of snow on top

Lake Of The Woods - Klamath Falls, OR (Klamath County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The lake is frozen with a ton of snow on top.Bring something to clear the snow before drilling through the ice. Anglers were doing well ice fishing for yellow perch with a few 12-inch hatchery rainbow trout mixed in. Practice extreme caution as ice is shifting and cracking. For recent fishing updates and for conditions of the ice, call the Lake of the Woods resort at 1-866-201-4194 (option 4).

The lake is dominated by stunted yellow perch. Very small bait and hooks will catch these fish. Yellow perch fishing should be good.

You can also visit Lake of the Wood's website to observe current conditions at the lake. Click on the front of this link. Once on the website scroll down and click on the right-side video link for a live video of current conditions on the lake at the Lodge.

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