We have some river fishing news this week!

Colorado River - Community Park - Bullhead City, AZ (Mohave County)

by Rusty

We have some river fishing news this week! Local angler Kenan Guleryuz was fishing from shore in the community park area and landed a striper weighing 7.22 pounds and measuring 27 3/8 inches. These fish are typically around this size this time of year, making it a great catch! Kenan was using a Savage Gear swim bait while fishing from shore. I've also heard that anchovies are starting to produce a few hookups, which is good news.

I know it's been a bit slow lately, but now is a great time to get out there for some outdoor fun and catch a few fish. Trout fishing will continue until the end of the month. A big shoutout to the hatchery folks for raising such high-quality fish for us to enjoy!

As for the Lake Mohave fishing report, it's a bit quiet, likely due to the windy weather. The strong winds up there have been keeping boats off the water, as the rough waves can be challenging for smaller vessels. Just a reminder—it's always a good idea to let someone on shore know your plans, including your departure and return times.

Hope this helps! We look forward to seeing you soon to hear about your latest catch and share your story. Thanks for the support!

Now, go catch a fish!

Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City, AZ

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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