Rogue River - Middle Fish Report for 3-8-2023
Current flow is around 1,750 cfs
Rogue River - Middle - Grants Pass, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Current flow is around 1,750 cfs and temperature in the low-40s F, but water levels are forecast to jump significantly this weekend.
Wild winter steelhead over 24 inches may be harvested upstream of Hog Creek boat ramp starting Feb. 1 to April 30(1 per day, 3 per season). Please check out MyODFW for info on new validation and harvest tag requirements in the Rogue and South Coast Rivers.
With significant rain in the forecast, pulling plugs Thursday and Friday on the river rise could be very productive. Target travel lanes in the heads and tails of pools. Once the river comes up, don’t forget to try shallow water with lures as fish often hold out of the main flow during high and brown water conditions.
Current flow, temp and turbidity conditions for the Rogue can be found at the USGS stream gauges here, or checking the City of Grants Pass water page’s river data here.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, March 8th, 2023Alsea River: The later returning wild broodstock hatchery fish are being caught in the NF Alsea
Kilchis River: If the rains come in as predicted it should be in pretty good shape early to middle of next week
Miami River: Miami remains low and clear but should get a nice bump early next week
Necanicum River: Will be in pretty good shape early to middle of next week
Nehalem River: Nehalem River Fishing Report
Nehalem River- North Fork: Upcoming rains should have it fishable through the weekend
Nestucca River: Fishing has been moderate but consistent on the Nestucca
Salmon River: The river is low and clear and fishing pressure has been consistent
Siletz River: We are seeing newer fish push into the system
Siuslaw River: The colder temps have made the Siuslaw challenging but conditions have remained fair
: Trask River Fishing Report
Wilson River: The Wilson has been low and clear but there are still fish being caught consistently
Applegate Reservoir: The elevation of the reservoir is close to the 1,906-foot mark and the surface temperature is 40oF
Applegate River: The Applegate River is open to trout and steelhead fishing through March 31
Ben Irving Reservoir: Trout fishing has been slow over the past couple of weeks
Chetco River: Anglers will want to keep an eye on flows
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Trout fishing may be good on warmer days
Elk River: Good time of year to run plugs as steelhead are getting pretty aggressive
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 23 percent full
Garrison Lake: ODFW conducted some sample netting last week
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is at 18 percent full
Illinois River: River conditions are forecast to spike significantly over the weekend and early next week

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