Foster Reservoir Fish Report for 6-12-2024
The reservoir is now completely full and will be in good shape throughout the summer
Foster Reservoir - Sweet Home, OR (Linn County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The reservoir was stocked recently with 3,800 trout.
This reservoir near Sweet Home is usually stocked several times in the spring and early fall with over 28,000 hatchery trout. Besides trout, look for smallmouth bass and yellow perch near underwater structure and drop-offs. Please remember that only kokanee and adipose fin-clipped trout may be kept as part of the trout bag limit, but there are no limits on size or number of bass.
Retention of warmwater fish species such as bluegill, catfish, crappie, and yellow perch is also allowed -- no limit on size or number. Anglers report good success in the two arms of the reservoir, as well as the shoreline in between. Fishing is best when light levels are low, either early morning or late evening.
The reservoir is now completely full and will be in good shape throughout the summer. All three boat ramps are currently open. Bank fishing access is available at several access points including at Caulkins, Sunnyside, Gedney and Lewis Creek parks.
This scenic 1,200-acre reservoir on the South Santiam River is located just 30 minutes from Interstate 5. There is good bank access at several rest stops and campgrounds, and three seasonal boat ramps.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
Fourmile Lake: The lake is currently 55 percent full
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir is 38 percent full
Upper Klamath Lake: Redband trout have begun to move to water quality refuge in good numbers this week
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: Fishing for rainbow trout should be fair from shore and boat
Lost River: Fishing bait for brown bullhead is your best bet
Sprague River: The river is slightly tannin colored but at a great flow for fishing
North Fork Sprague River: The black drake mayfly hatch is slowing
South Fork Sprague River: The river is still high but fishable
Thief Valley Reservoir: Rainbow trout have been stocked and are available to anglers
Williamson River: Williamson River Report
Wood River: The river is brown due to runoff on Sun Creek and Annie Creek
Chetco River: Cutthroat trout are scattered throughout the river
Diamond Lake: Anglers did well this last weekend catching some nice rainbows in the 15-inch range
Galesville Reservoir: Water levels are high
Garrison Lake: The lake has been very windy so fishing has been tough
Rogue River- Lower: River fishing has slowed, but anglers are picking the occasional Chinook
Rogue River - Middle: Flow in Grants Pass is about 3,090 cfs with a water temperature of around 61F
Rogue River- Upper: A very strong early season total of almost 6,000 hatchery spring Chinook have made it into the hatchery
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): The Rogue above Lost Creek is open for fishing and with flows dropping fishing has been good
Nestucca River: Spring Chinook fishing picked up in the Nestucca last week
Siletz River: The Siletz is starting to see its first summers and springers being caught!
Trask River: Trask River spring Chinook fishing picked up last week
Wilson River: Trout fishing should be fair to good throughout the river
Detroit Reservoir: Detroit Reservoir is full and all boat ramps are currently in the water
EE Wilson Angling Pond: A few trout are still getting caught
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, June 6th, 2024
: ODFW Recreation Report
: Coastwide closures in effect for razor and bay clam harvesting for recreational and commercial fisheries

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