Willow Lake Fish Report for 10-16-2024
Willow Lake Updates
Willow Lake - Eagle Point, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The county reports that Willow Lake is without boat access. The water level is reportedly below the paved boat ramp, and dropping too quickly for anglers to launch easily across the drawdown zone, due to mud. So, I guess Willow is a bank fishing show for now, or fishable by personal watercraft or inflatables. Fishing for bass, panfish and rainbow trout should be good.
For more information on camping and day use please visit the Jackson County Parks website or call 541-774-8183.
Anglers catching illegally introduced yellow perch are always encouraged to take as many of these as they want. This illegal introduction has only resulted in stunted perch and negative impacts to the bass and trout fishery in this lake and numerous others around the Southwest District.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
Magone Lake: Magone is a Great Place for Trout
Umatilla River: Good Numbers of Fall Fish
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Good Trout and Bass Fishing
Deschutes River: Deschutes River (mouth to Pelton Dam) Updates
East Lake: Low Water Levels on East Lake
Fall River: Excellent and consistent fishing in the Fall River!
Hosmer Lake: Excellent Fall Fishing on Hosmer
North Twin Lake: Excellent Trout Fishing
Ochoco Reservoir: Large Fish Near Ochoco Dam
Prinevile Reservoir: Anglers report fair fishing
Wickiup Reservoir: Productive Fishing at Wickiup
Clackamas River: Clackamas River Updates
Dexter Reservoir: Dexter Reservoir Updates
Dorena Reservoir: Dorena Reservoir Updates
Green Peter Reservoir: Low Water Levels at Green Peter
Henry Hagg Lake: Henry Hagg is a premier warmwater fishing destination
Hills Creek Reservoir: Hills Creek Reservoir Updates
McKenzie River: McKenzie River (below Leaburg Lake) Updates
Middle Fork Willamette: Now is the time to fish for summer steelhead!
Quartzville Creek: Quartzville Creek Updates
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Santiam River (North Fork) Updates
Alsea River: Alsea River Updates
Salmon River: Fishing Should Be Picking Up
Siletz River: Siletz River Updates
Siuslaw River: Fair to Good Fishing on the Siuslaw
Yaquina River: Yaquina River Updates
Phillips Reservoir: Phillips Reservoir has drained substantially
Powder River: Powder River Updates
Unity Reservoir: Unity Reservoir Updates
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate Reservoir Updates
Applegate River: No Salmon Fishing on Applegate River
Elk River: Chinook Are Starting to Show Up
Emigrant Reservoir: Anglers continue to report very good success
Expo Pond: Good Catches at Expo Pond
Fish Lake : Trout Fishing is Good at Fish Lake
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie Reservoir Updates
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt Lake Updates
Illinois River: Illinois River Updates
Lake Selmac: Fishing for largemouth bass has been very good
Lost Creek Lake: Lost Creek Reservoir Updates
Rogue River - Middle: Rogue River Middle Updates
Rogue River- Upper: Upper Rogue River Updates
Sixes River: Low Water on Lower Sixes
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