Upper Rogue River Updates

Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) - Prospect, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Coho salmon, summer steelhead and trout are available. The return of hatchery coho to Cole Rivers jumped last week with over 400 new coho into the facility. The release from Lost Creek is 1150 CFS and the river temperature at release from the dam is 44F. Anglers can call the Army Corps of Engineers at 800-472-2434for an update on hatchery counts as well as flow and temperature information.

For up-to-date river levels, check all the USGS Rogue gauges here

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

Umatilla River: Summer Steelhead Throughout the River
Alsea River: Fair to Good Fall Chinook Fishing
Miami River: Miami River Updates
Necanicum River: Fishing Has Been Fair on the Necanicum
Nehalem River: Fall Chinook Throughout Nehalem
Nestucca River: Nestucca River Updates
Salmon River: Fall Chinook fishing has been fair
Siletz River: Fish available throughout tidewater and the lower river
Siuslaw River: Fishing Has Been Slow on the Siuslaw
Three Rivers: Three Rivers Updates
Tillamook Bay: Still a Few Fish Coming Through the Bay
Trask River: Decent numbers of fish moving through the lower river
Wilson River: Water is High But Should Be Fishable this Weekend
Yaquina River: Chinook Fishing Has Been Slow
Agency Lake: Overall fishing is slow on Agency
Beulah Reservoir: Trout fishing should be great this fall!
Blitzen River: Blitzen River Updates
Burns Pond: Anglers Still Catching Trout!
Chickahominy Reservoir: Fishing Has Been Great This Fall
Fourmile Lake: Fishing Should Be Slow at Fourmile
Gerber Reservoir: Incredible densities of yellow perch and large crappie
Upper Klamath Lake: Upper Klamath Lake Updates
Krumbo Reservoir: Fishing for holdover trout should be great!
Lost River: Lost River Updates
Malheur Reservoir: Some very nice trout in Malheur Reservoir
Owyhee Reservoir: Owyhee Reservoir Updates
Owyhee River: Lower Owyhee River Updates
Pole Creek Reservoir: Nice Trout in Pole Creek
North Fork Sprague River: North Fork Sprague River and All Tributaries Updates
Sycan River: Sycan River Updates
Yellowjacket Lake: Access to Yellowjacket Reservoir is now closed
Agate Lake: Agate Lake Updates
Applegate Reservoir: Trout fishing should be good!
Applegate River: Open for Trout Fishing But Not Salmon Fishing
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant Reservoir Updates
Expo Pond: Expo Pond Updates
Fish Lake : Fish Lake Updates
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Trout fishing should be fair to good!
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt Lake Updates
Lost Creek Lake: Very good opportunity for winter trout fishing!
Rogue River - Middle: Middle Rogue River Updates

Includes updates to fishing, crabbing and clamming, hunting and wildlife viewing Bird harvest statistics from ODFW wildlife areas Wondering how good hunting...... Read More