Warmwater fishing success is slowing down

Emigrant Reservoir - Ashland, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Emigrant is currently 49 percent full. At least one boat ramp is now usable to power boats. Even without a usable ramp, anglers can enjoy fishing from inflatables or other small watercraft, or fishing from shore. Just be prepared for a muddy shoreline.

Warmwater fishing success is slowing down now. Still, some anglers have been successful targeting bass as of Dec. 7. Anglers can try fishing crankbaits, light colored jerkbait, Senkos, or a worm retrieved slowly along the bottom.

There is a longstanding health advisory for consumption of resident warmwater species in Emigrant for high levels of mercury. Consult the sportfishing regulations or the Oregon Health Authority for more information on consumption guidelines.

The most current elevations for Emigrant Reservoir and other Rogue Basin reservoirs can be found on the Bureau of Reclamation's website, here.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, February 5th

Umatilla River: Steelhead are still trickling into the Umatilla
Deschutes River- Lower: Trout fishing on the lower Deschutes can be slow
Hood River: Check flows before you go!
Junction City Pond: Junction City Pond Updates
Quartzville Creek: Light tackle including flies works best
Santiam River (South Fork): Still some scattered summer steelhead in the river
Sunnyside Park Pond: This pond will be stocked this week
Timber Linn Lake: Timber Linn Updates
Walter Wirth Lake: Walter Wirth Updates
Waverly Lake: Waverly Lake Updates
Kilchis River: Very low and clear conditions
Necanicum River: Necanicum is low and clear and water temperatures are cold
Nehalem River- North Fork: Fishing will be challenging this week
Nestucca River: Fishing will likely be challenging
Three Rivers: Three Rivers is very low and clear
Trask River: The Trask is low and clear this week
Wilson River: The Wilson River had a good steelhead bite
Agency Lake: Agency Lake is thawing
Ana Reservoir: Plan on fishing to be slow to fair
Campbell Reservoir: The reservoir remains likely frozen
Dog Lake: Lake is frozen
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir can be a good ice fishing destination
Klamath River - Middle: Fishing remains very slow
Klamath River - Middle: Water temperatures are warmer
Lake Of The Woods: The lake is frozen with a ton of snow on top
Link River : Link River Updates
Lost River: The river remains mostly frozen
Phillips Reservoir: People now fishing through the ice
Pilcher Reservoir: Pilcher Reservoir Updates
Wolf Creek Reservoir: Reservoir is frozen over
Powder River: The Powder River is frozen
Sprague River: North and South Sprague River Updates
Sycan River: Fishing has been very slow below the marsh
Unity Reservoir: Can be an excellent place to catch trout
Agate Lake: Bass and panfish are available
Applegate Reservoir: Trout fishing should be good
Applegate River: Steelhead fishing pressure is starting to pick up
Chetco River: Steelhead anglers are picking up fish on a regular basis
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper Creek Reservoir Updates
Elk River: Weather conditions have kept anglers on their toes

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